Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cuti H1N1?

Huuhuhuu... cuti? cutikah aku? By the way, minggu ni (start 27 till 31 Julai) fakulti tutup sbb H1N1. Xtau la ada org dalam fac kena H1N1 tu ataupun sbb nak seragan satu UiTM. Dgr2 cerita macam ada budak kena, tapi xtau sapa. Aku ni pon bukan jenis bersosial sgt dgn org2 kt fakulti macam Mbeck (membe sebilik & sekelas). tau2 da kena cuti.
Picture: Babi? Lari.... nanti kena samak...

So, speaking of holiday, as usual aku mesti balik bepee. da memang xde bende nak buat lagi kat shah alam tu. duduk sana pon karang jalan2 wat perabih duit je. aritu makan kt Carl's Jr. puas hati kenyang satu set medium Super Star aku makan. tu baru yg medium, belom yg large lagi. Fattah kata kalo Large memang bebetul bagak beso burger dia bagi. Huhuhu. i'll try it next time with my empty stomach. (xde amek gambo la. tapi serious puas hati) Keje Academic excercise aku pon da siap sikit2, so..... apelagi? Beepee!

Hurm... bak kata org puteh (kaum kerabat Ezwan), There's no place like home. Merantau mana pon aku mesti tetap jugak nak balik Beepee ni. Tah la, xtau nak kata apende ada kat sini tapi aku rasa memang seronok dapat lepak umah. ley main dgn kucing(s), pelok2 kambing(s), kejar ayam(s), tengok babi utan belakang umah, tengok ular yg suke lepak reban ayam, memacam binatang la.... aku kan suke binatang.

Picture: Salah seekor kerabat babi utan yg lemas kat parit depan umah aku. Patut la mak aku xkasi main parit time kecik2 dulu... Menatang ni ada la panjang semeter... Oink2~!.

Duduk s.alam dapat tgk cecak je. Kalo x kat siling, dia jalan2 kat lantai. paling meriah pon tgk pet membe aku (rabbit nama Bebeh) yg xterbela nasibnya di ruang dapur bwh singki.

Tapi kalo nak tengok ikan best la kat Shah Alam. Ada tempat nama Xian Leng kat tasik S.Alam yg beso tu... sebelah Wet World. Best la tengok ikan2 kat situ...

Picture: So, ini la antara ikan2 yg yg boley kita lihat di Xian Leng itu. Tapi dalam gambo tu pepandai la bezakan ikan dgn org. Huhuhu... aku fokusksn kat ikan... bukan org dlm gambar tu...

Aku ni kalo da tulis blog tah merepek apa tah da mcm tulis diari.... Selamat bercuti kepada semua yg bercuti sempena H1N1. xde benda nak happy H1N1 ni. moge2 mereka2 yg terjangkit tu kita doakan la diorang sehat balik. moge2 cuti Raya ni cukup la utk aku pusing seround dua ziarah & mintak maap kat kengkawan dan sedara mara.

Ape aku merepek pepagi buta ni? Whatever~ ( ~ .^)

Monday, July 20, 2009

A piece of memory from the past....

Hey, look! that's me! this is the picture of my class 5 Merah in 1997. Most of their names i still remember till now.

Looking back at myself about more than 10 years back makes me wanna be in that time again. maybe when there's a time machine like the movie 'Back to The Future' i can recall all the memories of my childhood. Cikgu Zaharah (in the picture) is one of the teacher that i hate during that time. i don't know why, but i still remember till now that i hate her (Haha). i think that every body have thier own piece of beautiful childhood memories that they still remembered till now. the life that we have in the past creates what we are now, and what we do now will determines what we will be in the future. i believe that everyody have made thier own mistake in the past. even it is not big, a small mistake may change a part of our life. for example, i have a friend (he's in the picture), who i trust very much because we used to play together. suddenly, i found out that he stole my Dragon Ball cards (at that time Dragon Ball comic was so popular), and we lost our friendship till now. i just waiting for him to confess and i will surely forgive him. but he still missing somewhere on earth until now. i would like to have a reunion dinner or something with all of them. all the faces that i had missed for a long time. i miss you all~!

Coming back to Shah Alam

Da lama da aku x tulis blog ni... dulu malas, sekarang da rajin balik... kot...
This year will be my last year kat shah alam, so next year hopefully aku cuma dtg shah alam ni balik utk graduate je. sekarang ni aku nak focus kat thesis aku n score cgpa seberapa yg mampu. maybe next year aku akan start kerja. maybe as a teacher, maybe something esle... tuhan je la yg tau... pk2 memang terasa macam nak sambung master lagi... xtau la.. maybe after aku dpt keje yg stabil n nak memajukan diri lagi aku amek master la kot!

xde apa yg menarik pasal vacation time cuti, cuma harga durian da jatuh lagi. ada yg aku nampak sampai rm0.50 sekilo. memang xbley nak cari makan jual durian pasni. makan sendiri lagi baik. at least aku tau pokok mana yg sedap kat kebun durian aku tu.

aku keje dgn Pak Din @ bapak Aliya for a while for the sake of helping him during hard times. i quite enjoyed the work but the salary agak kecil la... anyway, it's rezeki yg Allah swt bagi. asalkan halal... :)

Anyway, last sem during practicum membe2 n sedara2 semua kecoh kata aku da gemok. for a person of my height 178cm, over 82kg may considered as overweight. at one time aku timbang berat badan aku 89.1 kg! tapi, disebabkan kesedaran mendalam terhadap gaya pemakanan dan diet seimbang, aku da start loss weight gradually. last week timbang da 76.8kg. turun byk seh. pagi tadi timbang da 75kg... slowly n steady. badan pon da xrasa berat lagi da. kalo dulu2 nak lompat pon ada rasa malas....
Fight the fat~!

Picture: It's me and Fattah enjoying dinner @ Full House area Ara Damansara. i love the place and the food. Highly recommended! If u go there, please check out their menu. Macam baca komik la pulak....
Thanks to Fattah sbb belanja... Moga Allah berkati rezeki kau n ko selalu belanje aku! Haha :D
On the table: Ice-blended Chocolate, BlackPP Steak & Mashed Potatoes @ rm22++