Monday, May 24, 2010

Lamanye xupdate blog..

Yeah, kenapa xupdate blog? seriously sbb aku rasa xde org yg berminat nak membaca blog aku ni. Actually at the 1st place aku suke blogging sbb ia memberi aku ruang utk menulis. damn, somehow i miss making essays and assignments.
After completing all the assignments and the heavy loads @ UiTM Shah Alam, i came back to beepee. macamane apepun aku mesti balik beepee jugak. it seems to be the peaceful place for me. But I still hate some of the devlopments around  my neighbourhood. Yes. I hate it! the neighbourhood that i lived before was not the same as today.
 I still remember cycling on the road with no hand and did some stunts without any hesitation coz back then there were few vehicles using the road. Tapi, nowadays, lori treler 16 tayar lalu dpn umah da mcm rutin harian la pulak. those a-holes are the one who responsible for the pot holes. i once got lucky for not being a victim of a roadkill bcoz of those p-holes. (citer later la, malas nak cite skrg. haha)
Damn, i wish i was a kid again.... (everyone did, right?)